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Friday 4 October 2024


                                                   KIER STARMER (UK PRIME MINISTER)

With so many changes in Government seen in the UK I thought I would throw a profile on PM Kier Starmer who is from the Labour Party. 

I make a point of saying Labour Party because over the years it has been thought of as the party for the people of the UK.  Right Wing politics is not always what many people want who are working class and the feeling has always been that the Conservative party only looks after everyone that surpasses 'working class.  The people need a voice. The people need justice to be able to live a reasonable life and have what they need and know that there is a party that is going to strongly support them and put forward those needs. 

Clearly the rise of Kier Starmer to PM initially was a wonderful thing as Labour party Supporters would clearly imagine that it would be in their favour - FOR ONCE! Now that Kier Starmer has become Prime Minister the people of the UK are so shocked and disappointed at what they thought would be a turning point in history. 

There have been  videos showing Kier Starmer being interviewed and talking about the Conversative Party who were considering cutting Winter Fuel help which Pensioners  have been entitled to  This payment was important and Kier Starmer had strongly criticized the Tory party (ie Conservatives) for wanting to  consider the removal of such payment.  In that interview Kier Starmer told a story about an 86 year old woman who would need that help.

Obviously this was a man who cared? however, many may know that once in power Kier Starmer appointed Rachel Reeves as Chancellor who decided that the deficit left by the Tory party was so great billions that one has to plug the hole that was left behind, later claiming it was even more extreme than thought at first.  

The promises made to the pensioners, the assurety that they were given was immediately ripped away and all the Winter fuel payments were stopped for many as they became means tested. Unfortunately it didnt help that Rachel Reeves had and I quote  £4,400 of taxpayer cash towards her energy bills before axing winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners'  an amount that she defended which was actually also for her second home!

Already it is not looking very promising for those who believed that years of austerity and problems with the previous Government will subside. It has actually become worse.  This of course is all reported news but is included in this Astrological report as it does form a background of information for the current PM no personal opinion involved here of course!

So its very interesting to note that Kier Starmer PM is a Virgo.  Most people may know a little of Astrology to note that Virgos can be rather fussy and precise people and they are particular to the 'inth degree.  If its a subject that matters to them you will see very strong feelings from them. 

Kier Starmer was born on a Sunday a beautiful peaceful day of the week - the old Rhyme promises that ' Sundays child is 'bonny blithe good and gay. He was born in 1960s the same decade as Kamala Harris funnily enough.  She is a Libran and he is a Virgo and interestingly one of the main things that these two have in common in their CHARTS is an indecisive nature.  Kier Starmer happens to have a LIBRA Moon. Interesting that the moon has a lot to do with emotions and responses. This means the Moon sign is going to dictate his emotions  memories and also his way of nurturing and caring for others.  Libra is commonly indecisive so that gives rise to feel that his emotions may not be steadfast and like Kamala they can indeed be swayed and that is REGARDLESS of having a Sunsign in the meticulous Virgo. Remember that Virgos will be meticulous about WHAT MATTERS TO THEM AND HOW THEY FEEL ABOUT ANYTHING THAT AFFECTS THEM. 

Both of these people are in very important positions. 

Lets look at PM Kier Starmer who surprisingly has very little if no Fire in his charts. His Chinese Astrology is also a Water Tiger. We think of a Tiger as being fierce and proud and protective but basically being WATER is not going to support the fire really. Water normally puts that out so is he really able to get stuck in to the nitty gritty.  We must remember that Kier Starmer was a Barrister dealing with Human Rights before he went into the Political arena in 2015.  Clearly then he was fighting for what is/was right? one can always read his background on Google.   So you see we have this interesting dichotomy here. One needs FIRE to be passionate to be determined to FIGHT with more than words, fire fights with everything just like a Tiger would not be challenged should anyone threaten its offspring.

No Fire could result in Killjoy traits. Makes one scratch ones chin?   its true to say that there is no accurate Birth time for the PM so nothing written here is going to be stood in stone one may have to lean a little left or right of conclusions. 

Jumping right in, I thought we would begin properly by looking right away at his aspects for the near future and a bit some.  Frankly speaking he is in his element right now because he has Moon in Leo and this is going to be a time of speech and being seen and being out there and its all about him and expressing himself with actual CONVICTION meaning he is making speeches that are STRONG, MEANINGFUL, (TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT) SETTING DOWN 'HOW IT IS'. Leo is Fire. The PM is certainly NOT a Fire person, not given to Fire ie likely has other methods instead of directness so he is in Territory now where he is the main cheese and carrying out the decisions that he wants to see in place. He is the Mouthpiece of the UK. 

With Jupiter (being a lucky planet in the main) and very present for the PM he is going to be excelling at supervising --- EVERYTHING.  The PM will like being powerful. 

This reading is about the planets and if you dont believe in the workings of them then of course it will have no bearing on the subject. However, looking at the time ahead there are two ways of viewing it.  You see when there is Libra there is DECISION. There is also the ability to go left or right of a decision. Left or right of a subject. Left or right of an emotion. Its all about decision and that belongs to the person who has to make it. 

The PM is in a position now in his life where Decisions are very potent and very serious so that they HAVE TO BE THOUGHT THROUGH CAREFULLY.  Man has his weaknesses.  In the PM's immediate chart and further along - it may show that he has a will of needing to expand things around him, he has a very very strong PRIDE (Cue that Leo) and basically the self confidence and the power may go to his head. He will be expanding on everything including his own material pleasure and his self confidence may be off the charts to the detriment of others because he really could blinded by it all as he could develop this strong sense of will that just over rides everything regardless to put in place how he wants things to be. I feel a bit sad about that as again we see this thing about POWER and how it just can be like a timebomb for some. What isnt evident now will be as time goes on even if the PM himself is not aware he will feel these changes within and what he wants is going to just be more important to him.. 

Opulence, good living, material comfort - how can they mean anything when people in the country are in problems and cannot even pay their heating.  

This year and what is left to come and more - the PM is going to face problems.  He may even start to respond aggressively because he is in a 'strong' frame of mind about what he wants to happen.  He is going to come up against adverseries for sure and he is going to be tested and thats definite.  Clearly there will be issues he should have taken seriously and done something about and he didnt so thats going to hit him in the face because you just cant ignore certain things they are NOT GOING AWAY.   There is no time for neglect. One has to be careful what one IGNORES. 

He could suffer a lack of patience and there could be a flurry of annoying emotions that plague him.  He may face some scandal.  I feel like some of the information that is coming forward sounds a little like Kamala Harris whose reading I will link in. 



I just feel that the PM could start to be a bit aggressive and come across that way. Hes not a terrible person but thre are ways to deal with things and you have to be careful.   He should actually try and get rid of any excess energy playing Tennis or some kind of physical sport. Have some kind of outlet or therapy of some kind. 

He will seek new sources of income and his materialism will intensify.  I think he is a generous guy but ....

He will concentrate on growing his social status as well as elevating it  he has to watch finances and going above his expenses also his home life is going to be tricky as he will have to put a lot of time into work in order to do all the things he wishes to implement so will be kept busy.  The PM is going to enjoy. He will have many upperclass and extremely powerful and helpful people around him and basically he is in his good times right now. I would say its a good year for him far. He has achieved what he wanted and is now a very important person on a stage with professional acting to aid him.  He can be who he wants to be. What can go wrong?   His Ego will be strong, his determination strong, his attitude very positive. Ailments can be overcome.

With no Birth time its always difficult to read with accuracy but the suggestion is that his Ascending sign is Scorpio.  One knows they are very secretive people or have to keep them. 

There are often layers of this person that you may never really understand or get to know because theres 'another side to them' .  They can be interested in seeking higher knowledge and sometimes interested in the occult. NOT NECESSARILY THE CASE however Scorpio is linked to Pluto (Hades) the planet of everything unusual, weird, odd people, the very extreme people in life are associated here. Secrets of all kinds and even a world which not everyone would wish to explore but there is no fear when it comes to Scorpio they seem to gravitate that way. It is dark.    

He should always use his energy for the GOOD. 

He is good at spending money. 

He is determined and he will work towards something that he wants. He wants to be Boss and he is now Boss.  He was destined to be who he is now through that sense of self belief. 

His career comes first.  He has a love of detail and goes over it with care.  He has an ideology that he does push on other people at times. 

Kier Starmer generally comes across as likeable and has a charm offensive. 

There is however a streak of arrogance that might upset the 'ordinary folk'. He must take care of the 'lesser people' because they are the ones that believed in his party and voted for him. There are many who are very upset about his choices and he may need to rethink some of them. However, he is going to do what he thinks.  I do need to say that the PM can end up feeling isolated sometimes. He will feel this because he may get power hungry and its not attractive especially when there are those who are in need and one is just riding high above them showing that though they have a sympathetic nature it is not going in the right direction to those who need it. Its a warning I guess isnt it? because he could make the mistake of placing himself and his needs over others. 

The PM cherishes HONEST friendship and relationships - that same principal however has got to go to the majority so he will need to remember to practice what he preaches. 

I may update this reading after Christmas. 






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